Q-Matic Corporation 10450101
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Q-Matic Corporation 10450101 Notes 917 Red wo Sign

With our displays you will be giving your customers clear direction for a long time to come. Hesitation and confusion is a waste of time for everybody. By providing clear direction, Notes displays help speed up the flow and gives customers confidence that they are moving in the right direction.

Our way finding displays are flexible, cost effective and designed and manufactured to last the lifetime of your solution.

- Thanks to high manufacturing quality, our displays offer exceptional reliability and low cost of ownership.
- The intelligence to manage itself, reducing communication traffic and increasing reliability. All text and messages are stored in the unit, freeing up valuable memory space in your system.
- It is possible deliver a message in one color and use a different color for another message. Or have different colors for different services using multiple displays in combination.
- You can use any font or language, including Arabic and Chinese, and animate text as you wish to highlight a particular message.
- Qmatic displays are lightweight and easy to mount. The signal and power travel down one cable for quick and easy installation.


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Q-Matic Corporation 10450101

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