Rohde & Schwarz 1444.3257.02


Baseband generator with ARB, 4 GHz RF bandwidth, 2 GSamples R&SSFI-B1016...

Open Market / 22 Weeks

Rohde & Schwarz 1801.3707.02


Bandwidth upgrade to 13 GHz for R&SRTP044 incl. calibration, in R&S service...

Open Market / 22 Weeks

Rohde & Schwarz 1539.4289.02


NR T-Mobile protocol tests for FR1 Voice over NR Error Codes. (software...

Open Market / 22 Weeks

Rohde & Schwarz 1801.3736.02


Bandwidth upgrade to 16 GHz for R&SRTP064 incl. calibration, in R&S service...

Open Market / 22 Weeks

AstroNova, Inc. VDiS-SL


VDiS Software Site License for up to 50 users

Open Market / 4 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3085E-R-V4A-010-Y

36-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W5902E-R-V4A-001-X

24-months, node-locked license, KeysightCare software support subscription

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3611B-R-V4D-001-Y

36-months, node-locked license, KeysightCare software support subscription

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3050E-R-V4A-005-X

24-months, USB portable license, KeysightCare software support subscription

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W4003E-R-V4C-010-Y

36-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3050E-R-V4A-010-L

12-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3612B-R-V4D-001-X

24-months, node-locked license, KeysightCare software support subscription

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W7022E-R-V4E-006-Y

36-months, floating (single region) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W7802B-R-V4E-010-X

24-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W5902E-R-V4A-006-L

12-months, floating (single region) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3622B-R-V4A-002-X

24-months, floating (single site) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3604B-R-V4A-002-Y

36-months, floating (single site) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3602B-R-V4A-010-X

24-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3030E-R-V4A-005-Y

36-months, USB portable license, KeysightCare software support subscription

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W6325B-R-V4E-006-L

12-months, floating (single region) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3604B-R-V4A-006-X

24-months, floating (single region) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3603B-R-V4A-004-Y

36-months, transportable license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W5902E-R-V4A-010-F

6-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3030E-R-V4A-004-Y

36-months, transportable license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W4303B-R-V4C-001-Y

36-months, node-locked license, KeysightCare software support subscription

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3623B-R-V4A-001-Y

36-months, node-locked license, KeysightCare software support subscription

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3606B-R-V4A-004-X

24-months, transportable license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W6325B-R-V4E-010-F

6-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W4811B-R-V4B-004-X

24-months, transportable license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W4811B-R-V4B-010-L

12-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W4813B-R-V4B-002-X

24-months, floating (single site) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W5501E-R-V4D-006-L

12-months, floating (single region) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3608B-R-V4A-002-L

12-months, floating (single site) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W4812B-R-V4B-004-X

24-months, transportable license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W5501E-R-V4D-010-F

6-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W5501E-R-V4D-001-X

24-months, node-locked license, KeysightCare software support subscription

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W4804B-R-V4B-010-X

24-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. N9089B01E-R-Y4C-006-Y

36-months, floating (single region) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. SN101ECPA-R-A4M-005-Y

36-months, USB portable license, KeysightCare software support subscription

Open Market / 52 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. KS83CC0A-R-X4B-006-Y

36-months, floating (single region) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 52 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. SN100EXPA-R-A4M-001-Y

36-months, node-locked license, KeysightCare software support subscription

Open Market / 52 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. SN501EXMA-R-A4M-005-X

24-months, USB portable license, KeysightCare software support subscription

Open Market / 52 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. SN100EXBA-R-A4M-002-Y

36-months, floating (single site) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 52 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3650B-R-V4A-004-X

24-months, transportable license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3650B-R-V4A-005-X

24-months, USB portable license, KeysightCare software support subscription

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W6301B-R-V4E-010-F

6-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. P5576PSWA-R-B4S-006-X

24-months, floating (single region) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 4 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3704B-R-V4A-004-Y

36-months, transportable license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W3609B-R-V4A-001-L

12-months, node-locked license, KeysightCare software support subscription

Open Market / 3 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. W5600E-R-V4D-010-L

12-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support...

Open Market / 3 Weeks