Bird Electronic Corporation 4027A400K-15

Power Sensor, 400 kHz to 550 kHz, 5 W to 16 kW

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 10-A-MFA-06

Attenuator 10W 6dB SMA(m) to SMA(f) DC-4.0 GHz

GSA Schedule / 10 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation RPK2080-044

Meter 25/50/100W 30uA 1400 Ohm

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation RPK2080A070

Meter, Repair Part Kit

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation RPK5A2388

Resistor, Ceramic

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation RPK8738A072

Resistor, Assy

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation RPK2150A015-1

Meter, Repair part Kit Meter 25/50/100W

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 7001A500-1-1923

Kit, BDS2 System 307 kHz to 252 MHz QRM(f) to QRM(m)

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 7001A500-1-3435

Kit, BDS2 System 307 kHz to 252 MHz LC(f) to LC(m)

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 7003A001-19-6

SiteHawk Test Kit General Purpose

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Bird Electronic Corporation 600-A-FFN-10

Attenuator, 600 W, 10 dB, N(f) to N(f), DC to 2.4 GHz

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 600-A-FFN-20

Attenuator, 600 W, 20 dB, N(f) to N(f), DC to 2.4 GHz

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation SMK-3003A

RF Calibration Kit, 3% Accuracy, 1 to 1000 MHz

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 7003A001-8-6

SiteHawk Test Kit General Purpose

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Bird Electronic Corporation 7003A001-5-6

SiteHawk Test Kit General Purpose

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Bird Electronic Corporation 7003A001-6-6

SiteHawk Test Kit General Purpose

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Bird Electronic Corporation 7003A001-7-6

SiteHawk Test Kit General Purpose

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Bird Electronic Corporation 7003A001-9-6

SiteHawk Test Kit General Purpose

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Bird Electronic Corporation 100-A-FFN-20

Attenuator, 100 W, 20 dB, N(f) to N(f), DC to 3 GHz

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 100-A-FFN-10

Attenuator, 100 W, 10 dB, N(f) to N(f), DC to 3 GHz

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 150-A-MFN-03

Attenuator 150W 3dB N(m)-N(f) DC-3.0 GHz

GSA Schedule / 10 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 150-A-MFN-40

Attenuator, 150 W, 40 dB, N(m)-N(f), DC to 3 GHz

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 100-A-MFN-10

Attenuator, 100 W, 10 dB, N(m) to N(f), DC to 3 GHz

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 100-A-MFN-20

Attenuator, 100 W, 20 dB, N(m) to N(f), DC to 3 GHz

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 150-A-FFN-03

Attenuator 150W 3dB N(f)-N(f) DC-3.0 GHz

GSA Schedule / 10 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 150-A-FFN-06

Attenuator 150W 6dB N(f)-N(f) DC-3.0 GHz

GSA Schedule / 10 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 150-A-MFN-06

Attenuator 150W 6dB N(m)-N(f) DC-3.0 GHz

GSA Schedule / 10 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 150-A-MFN-30

Attenuator, 150 W, 30 dB, N(m)-N(f), DC to 3 GHz

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4410A

Wattmeter, Thruline

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4412A

Wattmeter, Thruline

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4304A

Wattmeter, Thruline

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4027A3M

Power Sensor, 3 MHz to 5 MHz, 3 W to 10 kW

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4028A25M

Precision Power Sensor, 25 MHz to 30 MHz, 1 kW to 25 kW

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 3127A

Wattcher RF Power Monitor/Alarm 100UA, 5/10/25 kW Scale

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 3128A

Wattcher RF Power Monitor/Alarm 30UA, 25/50/100W Scale

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4391A

Wattmeter RF Power Analyst

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4027A100M

Power Sensor, 95 MHz to 105 MHz, 3 W to 4 kW

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 3126A

Wattcher, RF Power Monitor/Alarm 100UA, 15/30/60 kW Scale

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4028A400K

Precision Power Sensor, 400 kHz to 550 kHz, 1 kW to 20 kW

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4028A2M

Precision Power Sensor, 1.5 MHz to 2.5 MHz, 1 kW to 25 kW

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4028A10M

Precision Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 15 MHz, 1 kW to 25 kW

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4028A3M

Precision Power Sensor, 2.5 MHz to 3.5 MHz, 1 kW to 25 kW

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4027A150M

Power Sensor, 150 MHz to 170 MHz, 3.75 W to 3.75 kW

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 1000-A-FFN-30

Attenuator, 1 kW, 30 dB, N(f) to N(f), DC to 2.4 GHz

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 3129A

BPME / ACM Display Panel RF Power Monitor Alarm

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4421A-UPG2

License Upgrade from 4421A-10-11-0 to 4421A-20-11-0

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4421A-UPG3

License Upgrade from 4421A-10-00-0 to 4421A-10-11-0

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 4421A-UPG4

License Upgrade from 4421A-20-00-0 to 4421A-20-11-0

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 7001A550-1-1414

BDS2 Sensor, QC Interface, 307 kHz to 500 MHz, 7/16(f) to 7/16(f)

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Bird Electronic Corporation 7001A550-1-1717

BDS2 Sensor, QC Interface, 307 kHz to 500 MHz, SQS(f) to SQS(f)

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price